Laravel Curl

Laravel's command scheduler offers a fresh approach to managing scheduled tasks on your server. The scheduler allows you to fluently and expressively define your command schedule within your Laravel application itself. When using the scheduler, only a single cron entry is needed on your server.

In this article, I will share with you how to integrate Zoho API in laravel 8 application and how to create contact in Zoho CRM using laravel. Zoho is the best application for creating lead, contact and you can manage your sale there.

So, recently i was working in one laravel sale-related application and they want to create a contact in Zoho platform from the laravel application. so, here I am sharing with you how to implement create a contact in Zoho CRM from the laravel 8.

Simply, follow the step. i make it this article very simple.

Step - 1 : Create Routes

Here, we create two routes for add contact in Zoho CRM from the laravel 8 application.

Laravel Curl

Step - 2 : Add Controller and Models

CUrl is mostly use in laravel when you work with any third party API. In laravel application cUrl is provide very easy way to functionality for call any API with any HTTP method. Most off developer choose cUrl for call API as well as make any API. CURL is software which you can use to make various requests using different protocols. PHP has the option to use cURL and in this article, we’ll show several examples. In this tutorial we are going to see how we can get api data using curl get request. Laravel 8 curl, laravel curl request example, using curl in laravel 8 example, laravel 8 curl request, laravel 8 curl post request example, how to use curl in laravel 8, curl request in laravel 8 example, php laravel curl example,curl url laravel,laravel curl guzzle,php curl package,laravel curl post json. Laravel's command scheduler offers a fresh approach to managing scheduled tasks on your server. The scheduler allows you to fluently and expressively define your command schedule within your Laravel application itself. When using the scheduler, only a single cron entry is needed on your server.

Laravel Curl Timeout

In, this step we need to created 'ContactController', 'ZohoController' and 'Contact' Model using the following artisan command.

Laravel curl request

After the running above command your model and controller created in your application now just write the following code in it.



Step - 3 : Create Contact Listing View

Laravel Curl Not Working

Now we need to create a very simple listing view for our 'contacts'. just write the following simple bootstrap 4 views for listing data in table format.

Laravel Curl Post Json


Curl 60 Ssl Certificate Problem

i hope you like this article.