
Old-fashioned used to describe a person who has black or brown skin. This word is now considered offensive by most people: Colored people were not allowed to use the same facilities as whites.

  1. History Of The Word Colored
  2. Colored Contacts
  3. Another Word For Colored People
  4. Colored Definition
  1. Step 1: Button Color Color Patterns: 1) Choose a general color: 3) Assign the color: Selected color: My Colors: Step 2: Shape/Style.
  2. Colored - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.
  3. Colored Contacts. Order our colored contacts now for any occasion or enhance your daily look. TTDeye Secret Garden Brown Colored Contact Lenses. TTDeye Secret Garden Brown Colored Contact Lenses $11.99 $37.99. (19) Add to Cart.
  4. The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

Flat Colored Blocks

A mod that generates a selection of simple colored blocks, transparent blocks, and glowing blocks ( all configurable ) for use in building and creative projects. Highly configurable with settings to adjust number of hues, values, and saturation, as well as min/max ranges.

Makes a great companion to one of my other mods Chisels & Bits: ( requires 1.5.1 or better ) which allows you to use the colored blocks as bits.

Requries: Forge

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use this in my mod pack?
    • Yes.
  • The texture on the blocks isn't completely flat, can that be changed?
    • I choose to make use a slightly textured option as the default since I think it fits better with MC. However, there a several options you can use the mod configuration screen, such as flawless ( no defects ), stone, or hardened clay. If the options available do not suit your tastes you can also change the textures using a resource pack.
  • Why can't I see any blocks in the crafting tool?
    • Make sure you have dyes and cobblestone/glass/glowstone in your inventory, if you are missing either then nothing will be craft-able. Any dyes registered with the ore dictionary should be usable. ( if you can't find anything, check your configs, its possible to change the crafting ingredient. )
  • Can I change which blocks are used to craft them? or how many blocks I get per craft?
    • Absolutely, check the mod config gui, in the crafting tab you can change how many per craft, and which block is used to craft the item.
  • Why does this mod use so many block ids?
    • This mod uses block states to generate mod compatible blocks, this means that other mods can detect and use these blocks for advanced features, such as chisels & bits, micro-blocks, or other features. They are also much more lightweight than a tile entity based implementation. Effort was made to ensure that the minimum required block ids were used for the generated shades.
  • Can I increase or decreases the shades, or what if I only want brighter variations?
    • You can use the configuration screen to change the minimum, and maximum range for Hue, Value, and Saturation ( HSV Color space. ), as well as the number of variations for each color dimension. It is recommended to test your settings in a creative test world before accepting your choice.
    • Important Note: You should not change your settings in a world that is already using the mod, doing so will change the colors of the blocks already in the world.

Crafting Tool Recipe:

Using the item crafted you just need to have dyes and cobblestone/glass/glowstone in your inventory to craft items after opening the items gui. Some blocks require a few dyes to craft so try different dyes to see all the options.

History Of The Word Colored

Crafting Table Helper Recipe(s) - Version 4.3+

Recpie is Shapeless, Flat Colored Block You want to make more of + Colored Block Crafter, and any required ingredients, only the ingredients are consumed by crafting.


Technical Notes:

This mod can use a large number of block ids if configured wrongly or if you want to have a large range of shades, just be aware.

No tile entities are used and all rendering is done using a single model + texture, this is done to ensure mod compatibility.

Colored Contacts

The jury has spoken, but our lives are still on the line. Let's end qualified immunity and collect transparent data on police encounters to keep our communities safe.
A public health crisis, a national reckoning on racism, and a pivotal election - and at the center of it all, the Black experience. This powerful visual time capsule sharpens vivid memories of a year unlike any other.
Amid a pandemic that has sent our economy into free fall, Black-owned businesses need more access to capital and funding than ever before. And, so, we’re doing just that.


Discussions about the safety, effectiveness, and trustworthiness of vaccines are front and center. Learn more about the Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines.

Lawsuit Against Trump Inciting Capitol Riot

Derrick Johnson, the President and CEO of the NAACP, spoke with NBC’s Joshua Johnson about the lawsuit his organization filed this week, along with Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson, against former President Donald Trump.

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Stay informed Be the first to know about events, news, rallies and ways to take action.


Another Word For Colored People

Wear Your Support

Go the extra mile and wear your support for the NAACP by purchasing a shirt, face mask, button, or sticker from the NAACP store.

Stand Up For Equality

Colored Definition

Today and every day, the NAACP is at the forefront of the movement to build political power and ensure the wellbeing of Black communities.

Thank you for standing up for our rights and fighting injustice and discrimination.

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the media and are seeking opportunities to speak with experts at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), please visit our Media Inquiries page for more information.